We offer 7 TROVE KnowledgeBases covering different renewable technologies. Email info@1stsom.com today to find out more about any of our products.

Contains data on large scale geothermal electrical energy generating projects globally.
Split into 3 key geographical regions: TROVE Geothermal Europe, TROVE Geothermal Americas and TROVE Geothermal Rest of World
Over 700 projects detailed.
Tabulated information includes geological data (reservoir properties, depths etc), infrastructure data (turbine & well details), operator details, generation capacity and more.
Further information is captured on cross-sections, plant layouts and geological maps.
An excellent resource for understanding geothermal projects and provides analogue information for new projects.
Members of the Geothermal Association of Ireland are eligible for exclusive discounts.
Coverage: Global
Click to view our TROVE Geothermal PDF
TROVE Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage offers in-depth information on every CCUS project globally.
Details both capture plants and capture sites.
Information on location, operator, capture technology and much more.
Discover all you need to know on over 450 projects with this comprehensive TROVE KnowledgeBase.
Coverage: Global
Click to view our TROVE CCUS PDF and video
TROVE Hydrogen captures all Hydrogen projects worldwide and the differing technologies used.
Information on location, ownership, project size, project status and more.
Over 500 projects - the most comprehensive Hydrogen database on the market.
Coverage: Global
Click to view our TROVE Hydrogen PDF
TROVE Wind delivers details on all offshore windfarms globally.
All significant onshore UK windfarms.
Country profiles offer an overview of the state of wind power at a national level.
In-depth information on installed capacity, management and turbine statistics.
We also show maps, turbine diagrams and infrastructure diagrams.
TROVE Wind presents over 800 projects/country profiles.
Coverage: Global

Gas Storage
TROVE Gas Storage informs on every underground gas storage site in Europe west of the Urals.
Gain access to data on over 250 locations.
Information on storage and daily delivery capacity of each site, plus technical details of the geology and subsurface structure of the store.
Coverage: Europe

TROVE Energy Storage delivers information on a range of energy storage solutions including: Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES), Lithium Battery, Gravity, Combined Heat & Power (CHP), Flywheel.
Data on project status, developer, technology type and rated power.
Projects from over 75 countries.
Test schemes, operational projects and planned projects are all included.
Coverage: Global - (Work in Progress)
Click to view our TROVE Energy Storage PDF

Wave and Tidal
TROVE Wave and Tidal contains data such as technology type, developer, capacity, location and much more.
Detail on almost 100 projects from around the UK.
Access comprehensive up-to-date information, held in one location, at the click of a button.
Coverage: UK

We also have a sister product range covering Oil and Gas.
Visit the dedicated website here.
TROVE Oil & Gas has global offshore coverage and extensive onshore coverage.